Soulveda | December 30, 2024
बाल्टी के पेंदे में छेद हो और ऊपर से आप इसमें पानी डालें तो सारा पानी बहकर निकलता रहेगा और बाल्टी के अपने हिस्से में कुछ नहीं आएगा। ऐसा ही मामला इंसान का भी है। इंसान…
The Times of India | November 11, 2024
According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam once remarked: “The remedy for ignorance is asking questions.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 336) If the…
What has gone wrong with India? Before Independence, everyone had high hopes of freedom, but now they feel that something more is required to fulfil their dreams. Our most pressing need is to…
On November 12, 2014, All-India Radio broadcast an interview with a well-known actor. The interviewer put this question to the actor: “You are totally different on the sets from what you are in real…
Speaking Tree | September 21, 2020
According to a survey, out of the world’s hundred richest people today, 27 are heirs and 73 are self-made. Of the self-made, 18 have no college degree and 36 are…
The Quran gives a lot of emphasis on patience (sabr). According to a Quranic verse: Truly those who persevere patiently will be requited without measure. (THE QURAN 39:10)
Such a verse is not there…
Spirituality is a subject which we need to keep pondering upon continuously. The reason being that the materialistic culture keeps beckoning the human being constantly from all quarters. If one fails…
Experience shows that man is like an innocent flower bud in his childhood. But as he reaches the age of maturity, he develops various perversions in his personality. For example: stubbornness, egoism…
ذريعه: الرساله اپريل 2020، صفحه 7
فطرت کے ایک قانون کو قرآن میں ان الفاظ میں بیان کیا گیا ہے: وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّکُمْ بِشَیْءٍ مِنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنْفُسِ…
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