The Times of India | March 24, 2025
Man has been granted total intellectual freedom in Islam. It was Islam which brought into existence the revolution in human history which granted freedom of…
Islam grants human beings total intellectual freedom. Rather it would be truer to say that it was Islam, which for the first time in human history brought about a revolution in freedom of thought. In…
The Times of India | August 12, 2024
According to Sufyan, Umar ibn Khattab once asked Kaab who the people of enlightenment were. Ka’ab replied that they were men who practised their learning. When…
The Times of India | August 05, 2024
Human history pre-dates the advent of Islam by about twenty-five thousand years. During this long period man made little progress in knowledge and science. True…
The Times of India | July 29, 2024
Once an ‘alim (religious scholar) criticised his Shaikh (spiritual guide) and had difference of opinion with him. Someone pointed out to the ‘alim that it was not…
The Times of India | July 22, 2024
During the Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib, one group of Muslims revolted against him, causing great havoc. Consequently, two battles ensued in which about forty…
There was a time when America was under the political rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain. After a violent struggle, America achieved freedom from British rule of 173 years. It was a time of great…
Islam provides for full freedom of thought and expression. In fact, it is Islam that, for the first time in human history, wrought a revolution that gave every person this freedom. Prior to Islam,…
The principle of non-coercion mentioned in the Quran (2:256) has not been confined to religious freedom alone. Rather, it has been extensively elaborated upon and widely applied to all social,…
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