A train which runs on its tracks will have no trouble in reaching its destination. But should its wheels slip off the rails—no matter to what side—its journey will come to a sudden and disastrous end…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Islam Today | 21 June 2007
Contrary to common belief, Islam does not teach extremism. It, actually teaches its adherents to follow the mean or the balanced path.
In the…
During the lifetime of the Prophet of Islam many of his fellow men opposed Islam and engaged in plotting against Islam and Muslims. The Qur'an has mentioned this at several places. But the counter…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I 10th Mar. 2013 I Page 12
There are countless stars and asteroids in the universe. All of these are incessantly rotating in the vastness of space.…
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