The Prophet of Islam has said that the month of Ramadan is the month of philanthropy. (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, Hadith No. 1887) Fasting makes believers more sensitive about hunger and the needs of…
The Sunday Guardian | March 30, 2025
Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by sharing happiness with the rest of mankind. It should also not be forgotten that real happiness lies in sharing with others the…
Speaking Tree | March 21, 2022
I once happened to meet a businessman who confided to me that formerly he had been in the habit of very generously giving his assistance to others. However, he had now…
All human beings, according to Islam have been created by one and the same God, and for this reason they belong to one great brotherhood. All being descendants of the same progenitors, they should…
Zakat, or the alms-tax, is one of the five basic tenets of Islam. Its payment is obligatory, at the minimum fixed rate of 2.5% per annum, on all wealth that is subject to growth. It takes the form of…
A believer is a no-problem person. In all situations and circumstances he stands out as Mr. No Problem. His sensitivity towards others is so heightened that he does not like creating any problems…
All human beings, according to Islam, have been created by one and the same God; and for this reason, they belong to one great brotherhood. All being descendants of the same progenitors, they should…
Man's life and property are gifts of God. He owes everything he possesses to God alone. The only way to give thanks for these innumerable gifts is to dispose of them as God wishes. Such expenditure…
It is desirable in Islam that everyone should be imbued with the spirit of charity. On all occasions he should be ready to give alms. The Prophet of Islam once observed that every Muslim is exhorted…
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