Sacrifice is about giving up all that you have, and, in return, receiving that which you do not have. Sacrifice teaches us that if we want to acquire something, we first need to have the courage to…
Eid al-Adha is celebrated in the Islamic month of Zul Hijjah. ‘Eid al-Adha’ literally means ‘Eid of sacrifice’, as Muslims symbolically sacrifice an animal as an act of ‘qurbani’. It is a symbolic…
The Prophet Muhammad was asked: "What is sacrifice, O Prophet of God?" and The Prophet replied: "It is a tradition of your forefather, Abraham." Sacrifice started with the Prophet Abraham, who came 2…
Times of India | December 01, 2010
Eid al-Azha, an annual festival of Muslims, is celebrated in the last month of the Hijra calendar, that is, Zul Hijja. Muslims from all over the world gather at…
Times of India | November 07, 2011
Eid al-Azha is the second of the two festivals of Muslims. It is not simply an annual festival. It reflects the spirit required perennially of every individual.…
The Speaking Tree | October 13, 2013
Eid al-Adha means Eid of Sacrifice. Animal sacrifice on this day is purely symbolic: the real sacrifice that is needed is self-sacrifice.
There are two levels…
Interaction: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree | October 7, 2014
Maria: Dada, what is the universal message of Eid-ul-Adha?
Maulana: Eid-ul-Adha literally means `festival of sacrifice'. Here…
Eid al-Azha, an annual festival of the Muslims, is celebrated in the last month of the Hijra calendar, that is, Zulu Hajji. Muslims from all over the world gather at Makkah to celebrate Hajj in the…
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