According to Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet once said, “One who never expresses his gratitude to other human beings will never be thankful to God.”
Thankfulness is a state of mind which cannot be…
Thanksgiving for man is to acknowledge the blessings of God. This acknowledgement first arises in the heart then, taking the form of words, it comes to the lips of the grateful person.
From birth,…
The Sunday Guardian | February 16, 2025
The Quran says:
We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents—for his mother bears him, in hardship upon hardship, and his weaning takes two years. […
Soulveda | March 11, 2024
चार्ल्स रिक्टर एक अमेरिकी विज्ञानी थे। उनकी गिनती भूकंप के कुशल विशेषज्ञों में की जाती है। उन्होंने एक विशेष यंत्र का आविष्कार किया था, जो आज संसार भर में भूकंप की उत्…
THE TIMES OF INDIA | March 24, 2024
The Quran, in chapter Al-Nahl (Bees), refers to God’s three special blessings for man in these words:
“He created man out of a [mere] drop of sperm: yet he shows…
The Sunday Guardian | December 31, 2023, p. 11
Right from a glass of water to political power, whatever we receive in this world is a gift from God. Everything is a direct blessing of the Almighty.…
According to one tradition, the Prophet of Islam observed: “One who is not thankful for getting small things will not be thankful for getting greater things.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 18449)
Love of God is a part of faith. This has been a part of the teachings of many revealed religions. For example, in the Bible, it is stated in both the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament…
ذريعه: الرساله اگست 2020، صفحه 8
قرآن میں خالق کائنات کو رب العالمین کہا گیا ہے(1:2)۔ راغب الاصفہانی(وفات 502ھ) نے رب کی تفسیر ان الفاظ میں کی ہے: ہو إنشاء الشیء حالا فحالا إلى حدّ التمام (المفردات…
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