There is a story in the Quran that bears a great lesson for man. Adam was the first man. Abel and Cain were the two sons of Adam. There arose a dispute between the two on some issue, and finally,…
According to the Quran, God has created the universe with a certain purpose. All its parts, which are strictly under His control, are carrying out His divine scheme without the slightest deviation.…
One of the arguments put forth to cast doubt on the existence of God is what can be called the Problem of Evil or Suffering.
This objection is the result of a misunderstanding that evil and…
The Sunday Guardian | July 21, 2018
The Quran says that on the Day of Judgment, when mankind is gathered before God, a person will look at his deeds. Those who denied God, and rebelled against Him,…
TOI Blogs | June 26, 2020
Falling victim to fake news is often easy. Such fake news affects our opinions in all spheres of life, be it related to crisis situations, politics, media, and often in our…
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Blog | Dec 04, 2017
One of the main disclosures of modern physics has been that the energy reaching the Earth from the Sun is the result of nuclear reactions…
Of all the independent Muslim Kingdoms that arose on the ruins of the Delhi Sultanate, the most powerful was the Bahmani Kingdom of the Deccan, which was established in 1347 after a revolt against…
Human babies are the most tender and weak of all the babies of living creatures. It, therefore, needs its parents' care and guidance for its physical and mental growth for a longer period. This is…
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