Sunday Guardian |
The Quran consists of more than six thousand verses, the longest of which is verse 282 in chapter 2. This verse concerns debt, and the necessity to put it down in writing, and it…
God Almighty created man and settled him on the planet earth. He gave man total freedom, which he was required to use in a self-disciplined manner. But he failed to do so. Greed for political power,…
There are some groups in the modern world which are engaged in violence. If you ask them why they are spreading bloodshed, they will answer: ‘We are victims of injustice. Give us justice and we will…
Soulveda | September 06, 2024
खेत में जब फ़सल बोई जाती है तो फ़सल के साथ तरह-तरह की घास-फूस भी उग जाती है। गेहूँ के हर पौधे के साथ खरपतवार नामक घास भी निकलती है और सरसों के हर पेड़ के साथ एक निकम्…
The Times of India | September 09, 2024
In the science of light there is a law of nature called refraction. Today this is known as Snell’s law, having been discovered initially by Willebrord Van…
The Sunday Guardian |
Intellectual development is undoubtedly the most important requirement of a human being. Through it, a man becomes perfect. Through it, a man succeeds in converting his…
Literally meaning the greatest good, summum bonum is an end in itself and at the same time contains all other goods. What, in practice, is the summum bonum? People have different opinions on this.…
In the Prophet’s view, idealism was something to be striven for with reference to one’s own thoughts and conduct, but in one’s dealings with others one had to resort to pragmatism. This was an…
According to a tradition related by Aisha, and recorded in the writings of Bukhari, when the Quranic revelations began, the first verses to be communicated were those which mentioned hell and heaven…