Iftar is an Arabic word, which literally means ‘to break’. In the Islamic context, it means to break the fast, to eat and drink in the evening after the daylong fast. Iftar is like dinner combined with a spiritual experience. It is like a compulsory form of training.
Experiencing hunger in the daytime, one discovers the importance of food and water which give us energy. One discovers that one cannot live without food and water. And, when a person takes food and water in the evening, he is filled with gratitude to God Almighty, who not only created him, but also provided him with all the basic needs.
Fasting is like the life of this world. Iftar gives a glimpse of the boundless rewards that await man in the world Hereafter.
The Prophet of Islam and his Companions always used to take simple food at the time of iftar. Iftar should be a simple meal and not a lavish affair. Simplicity saves us from distraction and makes us concentrate on the spiritual aspect of fasting.
It is reported that the Prophet of Islam used to say at the time of iftar, ‘Thirst has been quenched, and hunger is no more, and God willing, God will bless us with His reward.’ (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 2357)
Iftar invokes the spirit of prayer. Feeling pangs of hunger and thirst makes a man feel vulnerable and he turns towards God with renewed zeal. He cries out, ‘O God, I have fulfilled my duty and now I hope You will not deprive me of Your higher blessings.’
When a sincere prayer like this is uttered, God turns His special attention to it, and the rewards are boundless. Man prays in this world and the reward is given in the world Hereafter. Fasting is an exception for which a taste of the reward is given in this world itself. Iftar gives a glimpse of the boundless rewards that await man in the Hereafter.
Source: Ramadan: A Month of Purification