Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I March 16, 2014

Why are people doubtful about the existence of God? The reason is only one, that is, for them God is the unseen, while all other things are seen. People say that God should also be visible just as other things are. They say that if God is invisible then why at all should we believe that there is a God?

This doubt has no logical basis. If there was any logic in this argument, it existed in the pre-scientific era. In the post-scientific era, this argument has completely lost its logical base. Although God is not directly the subject of science, but science, through its method of study, has proved in an indirect way the existence of God, almost with certainty.

According to the modern scientific discoveries, it is generally accepted that at the fundamental level, everything in the universe behaves like waves of probability. In a world where everything is unobservable, the demand that God should be observable has no rational base. In purely scientific terms, all our beliefs are based on assumptions, not observation. If this is the case, then there is no logical sense in saying that God must be observable.

Moreover, science has shown that the universe has a highly intelligent design and that there is mathematical precision in nature. This kind of design requires conscious planning. This phenomenon is an indirect proof of God's existence.

Many theoretical physicists, among them Stephen Hawking, believe that the single-string theory is a step towards the correct fundamental description of nature. This phenomenon shows that there is a central control in nature. And, this fact is enough for believing that there is a God. According to the law of nature, everything else is also unseen for man. If you do not lay down this condition regarding other things, then why do you lay down this condition for God?

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