مصدر: الاسلام يتحدى
أول خاصة يتنبه إليها الباحث في العلوم القرآنية هي ذلك التحدي الصريح الذي وجهه القرآن إلى الناس كافة، منذ أربعة عشر قرنا، وبخاصة أولئك الذين ينكرون رسالة القرآن، ولم يستطع أحد من عباقرة البشر أن يرد…
Every Prophet is given a miracle – a sign. The miracle of the Prophet of Islam is the Quran. The prophethood of Muhammad, on whom be peace, was to be valid until the Last Day. It was imperative, therefore, that his…
We owe much to the human sciences. Yet the absolute maximum that we can learn from them is what the universe is. Till now, they have not given us one iota of knowledge on the subject of why the universe is as it is.…
The Quran bears verbal witness to the sovereignty of God. It describes, with great force and clarity, the great, hidden, determinative force at work throughout the entire world, and gives us definitive information on…
Prophet Moses, born in Egypt in the 15th century B.C., was chosen by God to be His messenger. In those days, Egypt was under the dynastic rule of the Pharaohs, who were idolaters. The Prophet Moses encountered two of…
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