Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Life is a collection of various parts or aspects. These are separate from each other but yet are interlinked. They can also be ranked or placed at different levels. Because of this feature there is a chance of different explanation and description depending on a person’s perspective. For instance, some thinkers have given an economical interpretation of history. This is because in their understanding of life, the economic factor dominates everything else. On the same lines some Muslim scholars have projected Islam in such a way that every aspect of it seemed to acquire a political hue, thereby creating an impression that the goal of Islam is to establish political power. This is far from the truth.

Political power is a test paper from God. Political power is given to someone to see how he behaves after gaining power.

The religion of Islam has various parts or aspects or dimensions and there are different ways of explaining and describing them. Highlighting only one aspect is erroneous. For instance, if someone were to say that the main goal of a student who is admitted to a prestigious university is to get elected for an administrative post in the student committee will be sneered at and not a single person will accept this as the goal of a student. These activities are just one aspect of one’s term in the college and only few will have this opportunity. But every student will have the opportunity to study and learn and they will benefit from other activities even if they are not directly involved in them.

According to the Quran, granting of political power is a matter of putting man to the test, just as wealth is a means of testing a person. Wealth and riches are tests for human beings, which is why wealth keeps changing hands, because God has to test every human being. If wealth is permanently given to a single individual or group, then other people cannot be tested. Putting wealth in someone’s possession permanently is contrary to God’s creation plan.

Same is true of political power. Political power is also a test paper. Political power is given to someone to see how he behaves after gaining power. Precisely for this reason, political power does not rest in the hands of one individual or a group, but rather it keeps circulating among different people. This principle is explained in these words in the Quran: ‘We bring these days to men by turns.’ (3:140)

The Prophet’s life abounds with such examples that unequivocally show what his mission was. The Prophet would go to any length in order to make people hear God’s message.

The study of the Quran shows that the real purpose of the Prophet’s mission was to prepare people of such lofty and noble character who would be considered worthy of being settled in the eternal Paradise of the Hereafter. The purpose of the teaching of the prophets was not to create a world for people in this world, where they could have a ‘paradise’ to live in before the Hereafter and the Day of Accounting. This political dominance, according to the Quran, is granted only by God. He bestows it upon whoever He wishes, and withholds it from whoever He wishes. The Quran says:

Say, ‘Lord, sovereign of all sovereignty. You bestow sovereignty on whom You will and take it away from whom You please; You exalt whoever You will and abase whoever You will. All that is good lies in Your hands. You have the power to will anything.’(3: 26)

The Mission of the Prophet of Islam

It is narrated in the books of Hadith (sayings and deeds of the Prophet) that one day, while the angel Gabriel was sitting next to the Prophet of God, another angel presented himself before the Prophet. He informed the Prophet that he had come at the behest of God. God had sent him to ask the Prophet a question. The question was whether the Prophet desired to become a Prophet king or a humble servant and a prophet of God Almighty. The Prophet immediately replied: I want to be a humble servant and a prophet.

This Hadith shows the mission of the Prophet. Taking a clue from the timely guidance of the angel Gabriel, the Prophet Muhammad chose a life of service to God and calling people to God over political rule and leadership. This aspect seems to be the most prominent in his life. Reading his biography also shows that the mission of the Prophet was dawah (calling people to God).

On another occasion, the people of Quraysh threatened the Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib of dire consequences if the Prophet did not stop his mission of calling people to God. Abu Talib called his nephew and said, “O my nephew! The people of your tribe came to me and said such and such things. Now have mercy on me and on yourself. And do not burden me in this matter beyond my means.”

On hearing this, the Prophet thought that now his uncle would also desert him. He feared that his uncle would withdraw his support, and that his uncle had become too overburdened trying to support him. It was a critical moment. Despite the fear and apprehensions, the Prophet replied with full conviction, “Uncle! By God! Even if these people place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I cannot stop this mission until God makes this religion prevail, or I will perish in this way.” After that his eyes moistened, and he cried.

In perceiving and understanding something and forming an opinion about it, our perspectives play a very important role. When we read something, we never read it as it is. Rather, we read it through the prism of our perspective.

The Prophet’s life abounds with such examples that unequivocally show what his mission was. The Prophet would go to any length in order to make people hear God’s message.

After giving adequate proofs and logic for something, one can never be sure that it will be accepted as valid. Something that appears white to everyone else may appear as black to someone, and no matter what proofs you provide, one may refuse to budge from their position. It happens because in perceiving and understanding something and forming an opinion about it, our perspectives play a very important role. When we read something, we never read it as it is. Rather, we read it through the prism of our perspective. This is why two people who have very different mentalities or mindsets do not see the same thing in an identical way or form the same opinion about it.

Keeping the above in mind, it is pertinent to know the result which has ensued from the erroneous political interpretation of Islam. Those who consider this as the goal of Islam divide the people as ‘the rulers and the ruled’. This fosters a very different attitude as compared to those who consider the goal of Islam as preparing an individual to be a spiritual person, a person eligible for God’s Paradise.

For the spiritually-oriented, the world is a place to work towards helping oneself and others develop spirituality, which means conveying the message of God peacefully. This attitude inculcates in a person good character, gives him a peaceful mission of being a true well-wisher for others, makes him tolerant and patient in the face of provocation and when others do not reciprocate in a positive way. Such spiritually inclined people have neither any economic interests behind their well-wishing nor any personal agendas behind their mission of peace and spirituality.

Wisdom demands that people should compare the results of looking at the Islamic teachings as it is given by God and His prophets, and at the results of the teachings presented through the prism of their own perspective or mindset.

The other mindset of looking at the world as a political arena and seeking the establishment of one’s political power fosters a character that treats everyone as one’s rival. In such cases, self-interest will dominate behind every plan and dealing with others. This mindset further creates a complaint culture against the government leading to protests, demonstrations and riots. This leads to mayhem in the society. Lack of trust, accusations, false propaganda, and fake news further add fuel to the fire.

Wisdom demands that people compare the result of following Islamic teachings as laid down by God and His prophets, and the result of following the ideas presented through the prism of a person’s own mindset. Those who take the latter as their guide must think for themselves about the futile actions they are engaged in since past several years.

To truly comprehend anything and to form a correct opinion about it, one needs a proper mindset. If that is absent, then, no matter how obvious a thing may be, one will fail to understand it properly.

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