Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Prophet of Islam was a peace-lover to the ultimate extent. His opponents repeatedly attempted to draw him into war, but on each occasion he avoided becoming entangled. However, sometimes in view of unilateral aggression, he had no option but to fight purely in self-defence, and for a limited duration. The battle of Badr is one such example.

History shows that at the exact moment when the armies of both sides were standing ready for battle, the Prophet was visited by Gabriel, God’s angel. He said to the Prophet: “O Muhammad, God has sent you peace (salam).” On hearing this, the Prophet of Islam replied: “God is peace, peace is from Him and to Him is peace.” (Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihayah). This incident shows that even at such a juncture, the Prophet of Islam was a peace-lover. His mind was free of hatred and violence. All he had was the desire for peace to be established in the world with the help of God.

God grants to gentleness what He does not grant to harshness.

This is one of the highest examples of positive thinking. War is the most negative of all events. To the Prophet, standing on the battlefield, the words that came to his lips were those of peace and security, rather than of war and violence. This is indicative of the highest human virtue. The noblest human character is one who thinks of peace amidst violence and who can plan for reconciliation even during war. Peaceful Citizens

According to a hadith, the Prophet of Islam defined a believer as a person from whom people are safe as regards their lives and property. (At-Tirmizi, An-Nasai, Ibn Majah, Musnad Ahmad)

According to this hadith, the way of the faithful is to live as peaceful citizens in society. No one should pose any danger to others’ lives, property or honour. Under no circumstances, should one take to the way of violence.

How should we lead our lives so that every member of the society we live in remains safe and secure from injustice? It is by maintaining the way of moderation. All members of society should be able to bury their complaints in their own hearts instead of pouring them out on others. A society in which such self-control is exercised is one in which its members can enjoy a feeling of security. A peaceful society is the ideal framework for positive human development. A society fraught with violence offers little hope for the realization of individual human potential.

The love of peace is a noble human virtue, whereas the love of violence brings the human being down from a higher ethical plane to the level of brutishness.

Unconditional Peace

Peace is rightly defined as 'the absence of war'. However, there are some who hold that peace should necessarily be accompanied by justice. But setting such a condition for the attainment of peace is impractical. For the role of peace is purely to set the stage for us to strive for justice and to work towards other constructive ends.

The Prophet Muhammad provided a clear example in his method of negotiating the Hudaybiya peace treaty. By accepting all the conditions of his opponents, he began a ten-year long period of peace, without apparently receiving justice or his rights. But by means of this peace treaty the Prophet and his companions were enabled to consolidate themselves so thoroughly that they had no need to wage war to attain justice.

The role of peace is purely to set the stage for us to strive for justice and to work towards other constructive ends.

Jesus Christ once said, “Love your enemy.” This means to be on peaceful terms with one’s enemy, i.e. winning over your enemy by using the power of peace. This is the divine formula to attain peace.

The Quran says:

God calls to the Home of Peace. (THE QURAN 10:25)

This means that according to the creation plan, peace and harmony should prevail in human society. God Himself is Peace (Peace being an attribute of God). He intended this world to be peaceful, and only a peaceful world will be able to receive His blessings. Such a world is like paradise on earth. It is only in such a world that we can meet and establish contact with God, the Creator of Man and the Universe. Both peace and violence result from human thinking, and if we consider the final result we would never employ violence. Peaceful minds make for a peaceful world.

Peace—Positive Behaviour

Peace is a product of a positive mental attitude, while violence is the result of a negative one. Peace is the natural state of society, while violence is not. Peace is as much in accordance with nature’s plan as violence is against it. When peace prevails in a society, all activities take place properly. If the atmosphere of peace is disturbed, however, the normal functioning of society is disrupted. According to the scheme of nature, peace is the only secret of smooth functioning in human society as well as in the rest of the universe.

Peace is such a basic requirement of man, that it is crucial to maintain it in all situations. Without peace there can be neither development nor progress. No excuse whatsoever justifies the use of violence in individual or collective life. Regardless of how unfavourable circumstances might be, an environment of peace is indispensable. We must maintain peace unilaterally, for nothing that we desire can be achieved without it.

Peace is the principle in Islam; war is the exception.

If we fail to establish peace, then we must face destruction in every field of life. We have to choose between peace and annihilation, because without peace, there is no hope for the survival of humankind.

Peace—Man’s Absolute Right

Peaceful revolution is the outcome of peaceful thinking. Peaceful minds make for a peaceful world. Man was born in peace. Man must live in peace. Peace—man’s birthright—is God’s greatest blessing for human beings.

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