Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Speaking Tree Website I Monday, December 30, 2013

November 16, 2013 was a special date for the Indian cricket-star Sachin Tendulkar. After 24 years of his career in cricket, he emerged as a superman of India. In a short speech he credited the success to his later father Mr Ramesh Tendulkar. He disclosed that when he was eleven years old and started playing cricket, his father gave him an advice in these words:

"Chase your dreams, but do not take shortcuts." Sachin Tendulkar adopted this advice and it successfully worked for him.

What is a shortcut? A shortcut is trying to find a by-pass only to reduce the distance by avoiding the natural procedure, so as to reach the destination in a shorter period of time. This kind of by-pass is common in road journey. But when it comes to the purposeful journey of human life, it becomes quite irrelevant.


For example, if you are a student and try to secure a Master's degree without graduation, or if you are a moneyless person and want to emerge as a billionaire without doing any hard-work, or if you start your career in politics and try to attain a high position in the political system without doing the required fieldwork, then these kinds of shortcuts will not take you anywhere in real life. Planning on the lines of taking a shortcut is ill-planning and is destined to lead nowhere.

This formula does not pertain only to individual life. It also true for the life of a community or a nation. Leaders of the Muslim community in India always insist that due to some reason Indian Muslims became a backward community. The only way to give them boost is to provide for them reservation in jobs and services, otherwise they will remain backward.

A demand of this nature is also a kind of shortcut. But according to the law of nature it is not feasible. No amount of favour can uplift any community. The only way to empower them is to make them able to meet the challenges posed to them. Life is based on competition and challenge. Without facing competition and challenge, no community can prosper. There is no escape for anyone in this regard. Offering favour only paralyzes the ability of a community, however when a community faces a challenge, it proves to be a boosting factor for it. Shortcut is a word that may be found in the dictionary, but not in real life.

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