Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

According to Hadith: 'God will strengthen Islam through the secular people also.' This Hadith is of great significance so far as the art of thinking is concerned. It points to the error of dichotomous thinking; the tendency to see everything in terms of black and white. It implies that while people may fall into one of two categories—irreligious or religious; they may also fall into a third category, that of potential supporters of Islam. That is, an individual may fall into the category of the irreligious, yet still possess a third quality, that of a position to support the religion in one way or another.

The outcome of the treaty of Hudaybiya provides a practical example of the success of broader thinking in the early history of Islam. The Prophet’s opponents were not pro-Islam. Therefore, the Muslims in general, because of the limitations in their thinking, mistakenly categorised them as enemies of Islam. But thanks to his divine wisdom, the Prophet did not fall into the error of regarding them as such. For he knew that a third possibility also existed. It was the latent potential of conveying the message. Therefore, the Prophet decided to open a door which had been closed by entering into a peace treaty with his opponents. Consequently, the possibilities of conveying the message began taking shape and within a short period of two years the entire history of Islam was transformed.

Modern civilization, is neither friendly nor hostile to Islam, but a potential supporter of Islam.

Viewed from the above angle the case of modern civilization and Islam parallels that of the Hudaybiya situation in modern times. Muslims have once again fallen prey to limitations of dichotomous thinking in these matters. Since modern civilization does not appear to them to be friendly to Islam, they tend to regard it as an enemy of Islam.

If we could extricate ourselves from this rigid pattern of thought we would find that modern civilization, is neither friendly nor hostile to Islam, but rather—in the words of the Hadith—a potential supporter of Islam.

Today, we are once again in need of divine wisdom adopted on the eve of Hudaybiya. If we could but think in the same way as the Prophet did on that occasion, history would certainly repeat itself. Out of unfavourable circumstances, favourable possibilities would emerge, and by being able to use these possibilities, we would be able to build a new history of Islam.

Led by their political and economic interests, the upholders of modern civilization follow many policies which might be detrimental to the collective good of Muslims. In reality this has nothing to do with any enmity towards Islam. It is simply due to the imperatives of economic competition. The affairs of this world being based on the principle of competition, such events have always taken place and will continue to do so in the near and distant future. So, Muslims must accept these things as a part of nature and turn their full attention to seeking out alternative possibilities in order to exploit them fully.

Such possibilities do exist for us inspite of all the apparently adverse circumstances in which we strive to perpetuate our Islamic heritage. For this work to be accomplished many contributory factors were required—factors which had never hitherto existed. It is the modern civilization alone which has provided for the first time in human history all those means and resources which were necessary for the realization of the process of Idkhal-e-kalimah (global dissemination of the message of God).

Out of unfavourable circumstances, favourable possibilities would emerge, and by being able to use these possibilities, we would be able to build a new history of Islam.

In this way, according to the words of Hadith, the case of modern civilization is one neither of friendliness nor of hostility. It falls rather into a third category—that of supportiveness. A few examples of this supportive nature are given below to serve as a practical explanation of this matter.

The first and foremost requirement for the performance of the mission of conveying the message is the provision of a system of global communication. It is an acknowledged fact that the scientific revolution of the modern world is the first event in human history to have placed at our disposal such a worldwide system of communication—a prerequisite for the realization of Islamic goals.

The second requirement essential to facilitating this task was complete religious freedom. In the absence of religious freedom, successful communication of the desired nature had never been possible. Now this civilization has brought into being an era in which for the first time in human history, freedom of religion has come to be accepted as a sacred human right. This is one of its greatest gifts to humanity.

In order to spread the word of God on a universal scale, an unlimited amount of wealth was required. It is through modern industrial development that the Muslim nations have been able, albeit indirectly, to secure this wealth. For it was the secular and the scientific people of different parts of the world who first discovered the wealth of oil abounding in Muslim countries. It was again these very people who, by ushering in the modern machine age, gave oil the status of a precious commodity. This wealth thus acquired has enabled the Muslims of today to spread their campaign throughout the world, regardless of the cost.

Muslims must strive to find a third option by keeping before them the principle of Hudaybiya which should be adopted in their relations vis-a-vis the modern civilization.

Another important supporting factor is the principle of free enquiry developed in the world. This principle of free enquiry was extended even to religion. Sacred texts for the first time in human history were scrutinized in the light of the 'higher criticism'. This resulted in the establishment two facts about the Quran; one, of it being a preserved book and the other, its historical authenticity.

Thus the modern civilization has produced all the means and resources essential to the successful carrying out of mission of spreading the message of Islam all over the world. This mission can be properly performed only by making use of all the opportunities offered by modern times.

After the peace settlement at Hudaybiya the chapter Al-Fath was revealed in which it was said: “that it may be a sign for the believers, and that He may guide you to a straight path.” (48:20)

That is to say, the symbolism of this event should prevent believers from falling prey to the narrowness of dichotomous thinking in such matters. Rather they must strive to find a third option. This is the Hudaybiya principle which should be adopted in our relations vis-a-vis modern civilization.

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