Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Times of India | March 18, 2024

Gopinath Pandurang Munde (12 December 1949—3 June 2014) was a senior political leader of India. In the general elections held in May 2014, he achieved a spectacular victory and was selected as a cabinet minister in the union government. On June 4, 2014, he was to take charge of his ministry. But only one day before, that is, on June 3, he met with a road accident and died on the spot.

That day Gopinath Munde was on his way to the Indira Gandhi International Airport to fly to Mumbai. He was going to address a victory rally scheduled in Beed and Parali in Maharashtra. But before reaching the airport, his end came about. Thus, Gopinath Munde left behind all his successes of the pre-death period and entered the post-death period all alone.

This is not the case of a single person; it is the case of every man and woman. Every person tries hard to build a world of his own. But before attending his victory day celebrations, he dies at the point of no return. Death is everyone’s fate. No one can escape from dying. There is a verse in the Quran in chapter Al-ʿAnkabut (The Spider):

“Every soul shall taste death.” (29:57)

This is the law of nature and there is no exception to this law. Death reminds us that the present world is not our final abode. We have to prepare ourselves for the world hereafter. Death is only a reminder of the fact that everyone is doomed to enter the other world. Successful is one who prepares himself for the post-death period before death.

Source: Quranic Wisdom

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