Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | Monday July 22, 2013

Life is no bed of roses. In this world a problem-free life is just not possible. That is why everyone, be he rich or poor, powerful or weak, literate or illiterate, is faced with some or the other dilemma.

But it is in the nature of human beings not to want a life beset with problems.

Therefore everyone strives to smooth the path before him so that he may have a life without friction. But after years of struggle, after doing away with his problems, he finds at that exact point that he has come face to face with a new set of problems. Furthermore, in most cases, the new set of problems is more difficult of solution.

This is a mistake in which almost everyone is involved. All his life, He goes in search of a problem-free life, but he never achieves his goal, until one day in the same state he leaves the world.


The truth is that in this world the choice for the individual lies not between a life with problems and a life without problems, but between one kind of difficulty and another. If one's attempt at resolving one problem is only going to lead to some other problem, the wise course would be for man to remain content with the previous setoff problems which had fallen to his lot.

The secret of success in this world is for man to find opportunities for himself despite his problems, instead of wasting his time in trying to eradicate his problems quite finally.

It is a common weakness which causes both individuals and nations to squander their energies. In this world the only secret of success for both the individual and the nation is for them to learn to live with their problems and construct their lives despite their existence.

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