Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | Monday July 8, 2013

I met an Indian youth during a journey. He was a regular reader of my magazine Al-Risala. He said that Al-Risala had made him more mature. It has given him a new outlook on life. The study of this magazine has created in him an interest to learn English language. Then he asked me as to which dictionary should I use for this purpose. I replied, "Dictionary of Total Dedication".

This is true not only to learn a new language, but it is also a general principle. Any higher goal requires concerted effort, without which no such goal can be achieved. Concerted effort means that man dedicates himself totally that attainment of his goal. He should not use any excuse. Nothing should come in the way of his goal. If any such thought comes to his mind as may distract him from his goal, he should fight it and take that thought out of his mind.


There are only two formulas for success - right goal and continuous effort for this goal. Those who fulfill these conditions will surely reach his destination. This is the basic formula of a successful journey. Other things required come on their own.

Anyone who has divided his time and his energy in many activities cannot achieve a great goal. A great goal necessarily requires total dedication, that is working for a specific target by making concerted effort. One incurs losses at various fronts due to this concentration but the secret of any great success lies in bearing these losses.

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