Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I October 05, 2014

Two twin girls from Haryana, Tashi and Nungshi Malik, wanted to do something big in their lives. To fulfil this desire, they underwent an arduous mountaineering training. Till now they have successfully scaled the highest mountain peaks in six continents - North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. They are now planning to scale the highest summit in the seventh continent.

It is good to try to do something big in one's life, but what is the criterion of being "big"? One approach to do something big is to prove yourself as a giver member of the community, that is, give to man that which is beneficial for them in the substantial sense. The other approach is to do something that would create sensational news for the media. It may seem big to some people, but in reality it is not beneficial for man. The example of "big" set forth by the twin girls falls into second category and not in the first category.

It is good to have big dreams but big dreams must be creative and beneficial for humanity. They should not merely be a source of sensational news that is of no benefit to mankind.  

There are several examples of such women in history who performed feats that were beneficial for mankind. For instance, Madame Marie Curie did such pioneering work as led to the discovery of radioactivity, which has proved to be beneficial for mankind to this date. Similarly, Hellen Keller set an example that despite being blind and sight impaired, a person can receive high education and prove oneself to be a good speaker and author.

Likewise, there other creative fields for women where they can leave their mark. For example, establishing an educational institution of high standard, providing quality education or running a high standard health clinic to provide quality health services.

It is good to have big dreams but big dreams must be creative and beneficial for humanity. They should not merely be a source of sensational news that is of no benefit to mankind.

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