Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | September 01, 2014

In countries where there are severe storms, birds with small wings are caught up in them, but large birds with strong wings fly upwards and save themselves from becoming victims of these storms. This phenomenon has given rise to the saying: 'Big bird of the storm.' A spiritual person is one who has developed the capacity for 'big bird' thinking.

People generally suffer from tension when they experience some kind of material loss. However, even after incurring such a loss, they still possess a great deal. But, they focus on what is lost and overlook what is still left to them. This leads to the phenomenon of tension. A spiritual person is one who has learnt the art of stress management. For example, if he incurs a loss, he asks himself why he should suffer from tension, there being so much that he still possesses.


Often it is the urge to acquire money for the sake of money that causes stress. If you adhere to the principle of acquiring money for the sake of need, you will be able to lead a tension-free life. The well-known American billionaire, Bill Gates, has rightly said: "I can understand wanting to have a million dollars. But once you get beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same old hamburger!" It is one's greed that creates problems. If one remains content with fulfilling one's needs, there is no problem at all.

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