Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | October 30, 2016, p. 12There is a tradition of the Prophet that appears in several books of Hadith.According to the tradition, the Prophet said that on the Day of Judgment every person will be questioned about some issues, one of these being how he or she spent his or her youth.Youth is said to be the best part of a person's life. That is why we will be questioned specially about it.What is youth? It is another name for the age of good health.If you have good health, you have everything. If you don't have good health, you have nothing. If you lose your health, it's like losing everything.Good health is truly something to be very grateful for.Imagine a world where every person is deprived of good health. [Highlight1] It would be like a vast hospital, a hospital where there is no doctor or nurse and no health facilities. Such a world would be a completely intolerable place to live in.In our youth, we have great strength and energy. That is why most people at that age don't really think they face very difficult problems. What the hadith referred to above means is whether in this very precious part of our lives we thanked God for this gift or not. Were we arrogant, or were we modest? Did we live as non-problem people or did we cause problems to others?Were we a source of goodness for others or did we do them harm?Young age is a very precious part of our lives. At this stage of life, we have much to give to others. It can also become something to be very grateful for if we spend this period of our life in the right way.
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