Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | May 3, 2015According to a Hadith report, the Prophet said: "Whoever amongst you wakes up, secure in his home, healthy in his body, having food for the day, then it is as if he has possession of the entire world."This Hadith tells us that we should learn to be content with whatever material possessions we have so that we can do the maximum possible as far as religious matters are concerned.If with regard to worldly possessions you are content with having just what you actually need, you can devote yourself to fulfilling what you need for success in the Hereafter.Once, someone called me on the phone and said to me, "I am in great trouble! Please pray to God for me." I said to him, "You have no problem at all." Difficulties are always a result of our thinking. If you rectify your thinking, then no problem will remain a problem for you." [Highlight1] I further added, "You are calling me from a far-off place. This is no ordinary matter. It's a great blessing from God. You enjoy the blessing of a good memory- that was how you remember my telephone number. Then, you have a telephone- and that's a great blessing too.It's a blessing that even Emperors in the past did not enjoy. And then, you are speaking from a thousand miles away and I can hear you, very clearly, at the very same moment as you speak.And I can answer you at once. This is an astounding blessing, too!""In this way," I explained to the man, "you enjoy all these many things, all these many blessings. If you remember all the many gifts that God has blessed you with, you will find yourself so light and joyful that you will feel that you are living, not in the midst of countless problems, but in ease and happiness!"
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