In Islam, there is no difference between man and woman regarding status, rights, and blessings in this world and the Hereafter. Both men and women are equal participants in life, following the principle of being ‘equal in respect and different in roles.’
Islam gives equal status, rights, and blessings to men and women in this world and the Hereafter. In the early period of Islam, women were fully active in different fields of life, from housework to agriculture to business and from worship in the mosque and outside work. The modern world offers plentiful opportunities for women to choose from remaining within the bounds of modesty and piety. As educators, they can equip an entire generation with standard education, and as mothers, they can inculcate ethical training at home. Women can become instrumental in preparing the new generations to become aware, duty-conscious, and spiritual individuals. If women develop themselves spiritually, they can perform their God-given roles as builders of humanity.
Driven by the misconceptions about the role of women in Islam, people are eager to understand the status of women in Islam. They want to know the rights given to women in Islam. They are curious about hijab and polygamy. Let us find answers to such questions and try to eradicate such misconceptions in the light of Islam and the Quran.
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