Islam is completely compatible with the modern age. Islam is in keeping modern concepts like freedom of thought and expression, rational thinking, scientific education, human brotherhood, democracy, secularism, and peace, among others. Maulana’s writings and talks, present Islam as it is, to address modern minds.
Islam is the eternal ideology that has been preserved forever in the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah. Through them, Islam guides humanity for all times to come. However, as the classic Islamic literature presented Islam in a traditional style, it did not address people’s minds in the modern age. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s storehouse of wisdom presents Islam in a contemporary style, based on the Quran and Sunnah to address modern minds. Maulana said that the modern age is the age of peace and opportunities. Everyone can achieve all their constructive goals by treading the path of unilateral peace.
As Islam was being presented in a traditional style by scholars, modern educated people who thought along scientific lines did not find it relevant in today’s modern age. They found Islam incompatible with their contemporary minds. They felt that Islam is against modern concepts like democracy and secularism. They think that because Islam is a backward religion, it does not allow freedom. Let us try to remove such misconceptions by answering various questions, which consider Islamic teachings to be irrelevant in the 21st Century.
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