To answer this question, it is important to understand the following incident from the Prophet’s life. During the month of Ramadan, the Prophet of Islam was in seclusion (itikaf) practised in the final phase of Ramadan. Then he came out of the mosque but went back inside again. He later told his Companions that an angel had come to pass on the knowledge about the Night of Destiny. When the Prophet came out to inform the believers, he saw two of his people quarrelling with each other. Instantly, the knowledge of the Night was taken away from the Prophet’s mind. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 2023)

This incident has a great lesson for the believers. The quarrel was not an armed battle: the two believers were merely arguing, but even a verbal fight is enough to have the divine knowledge taken away. Those who adopt the path of violence can never become the recipients of divine blessings.

To receive the blessings or knowledge from God, a believer must be a positive personality in the ultimate sense of the word. Else the blessings may be showered, but not on him! Positivity is the most important trait that makes a man worthy of receiving God’s blessings. We should keep a positive mind at all instances and seek forgiveness from God.


Source: Spirit of Ramadan

Once, someone asked me how can we know God, I asked him to reflect on the fingers of his hands and the toes on his feet. His life would have been difficult had his fingers been short and his toes long! Our fingers and toes are just the right size for our hands and feet to function properly. They indicate wise planning that only the Creator and Provider of the universe, who is beyond man, could have arranged for. If one does not accept such a God, the Creator and Provider and Sustainer of the universe, one cannot correctly understand anything in the universe at all. Knowing God is as easy as knowing oneself.

Source: God and the Universe

Yes, seeking faith is a human trait and the seeking spirit is a part of the fibre of human nature. All of us feel that we suffer from limitations that make us helpless. These experiences—a loss, illness, accident, death or old age—repeatedly remind us of the fact that we need a Superior Power without which we cannot go on in life. These feelings are psychological proof of the existence of God. In this way, each of us, in our inner beings, witnesses the existence of God. The nature of every human being constantly urges them to recognize the need for God. Without God, our lives cannot be complete. Without the help of God, we cannot succeed in life. It is everyone’s urge to find the higher truth, which is nothing but the Creator of our world. Without finding the higher truth no one can be satisfied. In this sense, God is the need of every man and woman, there is no doubt about it.

Source: Spirit of Islam Magazine


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