Focused Thinking is the Secret to Super achievement

Belief in tawhid develops a well-integrated, focused personality. Such a personality hinges upon a single focused mind. In the first instance, focused thinking takes on the hue of a religious belief but, according to the law of nature, it underlies and conditions the temperament of the believer to the point where it spreads and affects all the other aspects of his personality.

Thus tawhid leads to focused thinking, and focused thinking prevents the individual from becoming the victim of a fragmented mind. This kind of thinking makes one an integrated personality.

Focused thinking saves one from mental confusion. It helps one to concentrate all efforts on a single point, thus saving one from all kinds of distractions and from developing what is called a ‘grasshopper’ mind. It further develops concentration, enabling one to differentiate between relevant and the irrelevant, between the real and the relative.

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