Acceptance of Reality is the Basis of Islam

What finally remains in life are not our wishes and desires but the law of nature. If man were to acknowledge this reality, he would spare himself from the pangs of anger, complaint, protest and violence. Accept reality, and you are bound to enjoy a stress- and tension-free life. What are stress and tension? Stress is a feeling of excessive demands on one’s physical and mental energy, and tension is a feeling of mental strain. Why do these ills afflict people? Stress is not a naturally occurring problem. It is a problem created by individuals themselves. Be ready to accept reality. And then you will undoubtedly be able to enjoy a stress-free life. Perhaps, in most cases, it is because they want to live their lives according to their way of thinking, without considering the external world’s existence. Its demands must be met; otherwise, you will fall prey to that form of negativity, which is generally referred to as stress. It is essential not to be over-ambitious but preferably to be a realist. If you are over-ambitious, you will become a victim of tension. It is only if you set yourself achievable goals that you will be able to lead a tension-free life.

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Thankfulness first comes in the form of discovery. When you discover that someone has behaved well with you. you acknowledge that person wholeheartedly. Then everything else follows. You then learn acceptance of reality. Everything in this world is based on acceptance of reality. If you live in a certain country and have love for that country, that is a case of acknowledgement, a case of acceptance of reality. If you live in a country and don’t have love for that country, then the basis of religion is absent in you. You don’t have the basis for acceptance of reality. If you truly love your country, then you have a foundation. Acceptance of reality isn’t restricted to one thing, it would encompass many things. It won't be restricted to love for one’s country, but reach to God as well. 
This is about the foundation of Islam, the basis of Islam. 
The basis is acceptance of reality. This will work everywhere, be it a personal issue, a matter related to society, and even national and international issues. Everywhere, acceptance of reality is required. I believe this is the highest quality of a human being.

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