Aisha, the Prophet’s wife’s words have been recorded in different books of Hadith.

After the Prophet of Islam left this world, great differences arose among Muslims in many matters. During his lifetime, all such issues had been referred to him for a solution. But after the demise of the Prophet, it was now left to his wife Aisha, who had been under his training for many years, to play the very positive role of guide and mentor.  Having become fully imbued with the spirit of Islam, she used to give guidance to both male and female companions of the Prophet. In this way, she successfully resolved such differences.

There are traditions which tell us that the Prophet’s conversations with his wife Aisha were aimed at educating her. Aisha says that when the Prophet of Islam would get up at night after a few hours of sleep, he would converse with her at length in that peaceful atmosphere. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1161, Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 743) This course of informal education, continuing uninterruptedly, even while traveling, so benefited Aisha that she became the most distinguished authority on religious knowledge. She survived the Prophet for a full fifty years, during which period she remained a truly valuable source of religious knowledge. Her house served as a school of religious learning. It is said that Aisha, herself handed down to posterity a substantial portion (2,210 Hadith traditions) of the vast majority of Islamic knowledge.




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