Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Speaking Tree | 2nd Jan. 2012

Spirituality has great importance for every human being. From mental peace to human values, it has many aspects to it. Since spirituality is interwoven in the human personality, it also has a deep relationship with our lives: spirituality and human values are interlinked. If spirituality were absent from our lives, there would be no human values.

What is spirituality? Spirituality is an elevated state of intellectual awakening. Spirituality is a higher level of consciousness. Our world is a dual world - a world of things, a world of meanings. When one raises oneself to a level where material things become secondary; and inner meanings become of prime importance, then one is a spiritual person. Spirituality is only another name for 'high thinking'. It is no exaggeration to say that spirituality makes a man a superman. Spirituality makes a nation a super nation. Spirituality elevates one from the limited world of things, to a limitless world of meanings. Spirituality activates that intellectual process, which is necessary for the development of one's personality. Spirituality makes you an intellectual giant. Spirituality enables you to defuse your tensions. All other things become insignificant in comparison to spiritual achievement. It brings you to an eternal world of bliss, where there is nothing but eternal contentment. This is a point where losing is also gaining. Indeed, spirituality is the greatest source of crisis management.

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